Saturday, January 25, 2014

Any Girl can set her Mind

Rainy day has been capably giving its anxiety to my circumstances, ah yes anxiety, the anxiety for a sense of being lazy, an emotionally thinking, a perfectly irrational minded, or even an unstably reaction in responding those much of particular things, so terrible, aren't they? So sorry if I'm making no sense but come on, it has been too long, bad weather is locked us inside. I do love rain, so effing much, but not the effect of its overloaded amount of water 'planking' on the every roads at the city. I'm getting tired and won't making any complain, but how dreadful it'll, my sympathy belongs to the people who is struggling for their life facing this flood and flood, in every year, ah Jakarta, I can only hope everything will get better very soon.

Okay, in case of making everything to be brighter, haha, I'll share one moment of happiness with friends, yes my lovely girl-friends. A short story, it has almost exactly 4 years for me and my girl-friends been together in college, but by the way, one of them, Amanda, was just recently graduated from college this week, she finally gets her Bachelor Degree of Arts! Yeay! So envy I maybe have to work very hard to go beyond her haha.

This was actually, we did a shoot, just to remember our togetherness as friend, to have a lovely photograph get printed then hang it on the wall, but well, I also take some of the photographs of my outfit during the shoot, because I think it'll be good to be posted here on the blog ;)

here they are, from left to right - Amanda, Prilly, Nissa (but we call her 'Arab' :p), Vanya, and Fimel. Ah I love these girls so much, thank you for being here there and around <3
 and here is the detail of my outfit:

Vintage lace shirt - Accent, Hairpiece and belt - unbranded, Vintage pastel skirt - thrift store, Dots printed socks - unbranded, Clogs - Adorable Projects


  1. gak ngerti fashion sih sebenernya, tapi bisa buat blog keren kayak gini , keren!

    salam blogger :)


  2. you look so pretty and the outfit is so cute :D


  3. so cute!

    would you mind to follow each other? :)
