Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Idea of Woman and Writing In Literature

Gilbert and Gubar’s The Madwoman in the Attic constructs the idea of women’s incapability to present their selves to society through literature. Women lost their power of defining their selves as a subject of authority, in this case when she turned to be a writer or a poet.  “Thus the "anxiety of influence" that a male poet experiences is. felt by a female poet as an  even  more primary "anxiety of authorship"-a radical fear that she cannot create, that because she can never become a "precursor" the act of writing will isolate or destroy. “Literature in a history of western was never authorized to a ‘second sex’ – by what Mitchell calls "the inferiorized and 'alternative' (second sex) psychology of women under patriarchy.", and the literature itself was a very male-dominated. The power of men in the western literature had erased woman’s equality as what Cixous’s “writing is at once too high, too great for you, it's reserved for the great-that is, for "great men" , that woman loses her right to be equally viewed as great as men in writing. The difference class of sexuality, woman as what is quoted as ‘second sex’, loses the acclaim value of being the authentic writer for her authentic work linked to the dominant authority of male. The literary authority has never been adressed to the female sex, as critics Gibert and Gubart give the idea of how impossible it is, the woman writer substitutes what we have called an "anxiety of authorship," an anxiety.built from complex and often only barely conscious fears of that authority which seems to the female Ilrtist .to . be by definition· inappropriate., to her sex.” It indicates that to act as a writter or to write something, woman seemed to have been mistaken herself as a woman, referring to what is inappropriate to her. Woman has been fundamentally built to be likely committing herself for a dishonor manner while she writes, as feminist Helene Cixous on her most influential work The Laugh of the Medusa (1976), had been sexually analogized writing is equally as shameful as masturbating to woman, “...Because you punished yourself for writing, because you didn't go all the way; or because you wrote, irresistibly, as when we would masturbate in secret...” that writing is it's "silly."  However if writing is as similar as “silly”, why do woman still need to do thing which has been called “silly” ? In her arguments, Cixous had been pointed out so clearly that, “By writing herself, woman will return to the body.” She needs, as a living creature, to own her power, that, for instance, not to write means to own a power and be selfless. Not writing means that woman does not belong to her body, which to Judith Butler the body is, “a set of boundaries, individual, and social, politically signified and maintained”( Gender Trouble – 1990 ), because her body has been taken by the “great” and if not writing, woman would not experiencing to live in her “real” existence as a woman.
However, if woman needs to write to speak up her voices for taking back her existence again over the man, it is bounded with a question of how is it possible to be as simple as that while the action of writing itself has never been addressed to woman, reminds our memory back to what Gibert & Gubar argued about the 18th-19th century woman’s “anxiety of authorship” in defining the idea of woman as a writer, that there is none of a person who deserves the title of author/writer but only to the man, as if there is woman who writes, her action will be defined as an imitation, to imitates a man, to be as what is shown by Homi Bhabha on his Of Mimicry and Man, that woman is,almost the same, but not quite” with the man whose power is  a dominant power of the society, since the past time of western’s literature history.      

Monicha Nelis  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Classy Hologram

This is the time for outfit post again, so happy finally :)! A very cool-futuristic hologram clutch I got from Kayi, click here to see their collection! and anyway I'd like to say thank you so much because these have been the 2nd time they gave me very gorgeous gifts hehe. Well, for me clutch is always classy, but for the hologram one, it is kinda different. Then, I tried to create a mixing between classic and futuristic, through the whole outfit and the clutch itself. Something classy is always wonderful for me and that's what underlying the idea. So here we go!

White shirt, Black Dress - Thrift Store, Denim top - DIY, Polkadot Scarf - DIY, Leather Bag - Thrift Store, Clutch - Kayi, Wedges - Adorable Project
There are many magical things happened these lately, and I thank God for putting a smile on my face always. Thank you for visiting! Good night!
Best love, 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fashion Blogger Gathering by Galeries Lafayette and NYLON Indonesia

Good Morning!
May you all have a happy day at all :)

Today, I'd like to tell you a very exciting story I experienced on 24th & 25th September in Galeries Lafayette, Pacific Place, Jakarta. What was it? and How was it going? It was actually a pleasureable gathering along with the 20 Indonesian fashion bloggers who had been invited by NYLON and Galeries Lafayette to join the event.

But not only a gathering, the event also provided us a very exciting moment when in the 1st day of the event, we had to compete each other first, for a styling competition. The styling competition was separated into 4 groups which every each person in the group had to choose one of the three represented style themes, those are, Smokey Rock, Mixology, and Cocktail Time. I actually did not know how was it going on my mind, when Kak Vera from Galeries Lafayette asked me what kind of style I'd like to represent, and I was just suddenly said that I choosed the Smokey Rock theme, Lol. However, either it is based on my unconcious interest or not, something which is dark and bold are going to be my addiction in these current times. I know that I've just fallen too deep in pastel coloring, and to be something which is out of my range, is sometimes very exciting. Well, unfortunately I was not able to capture a lot of good pictures for the first day because I was very busy choosing the stuffs I need, but Galeries Lafayette is such a very heavenly shopping place where you can choose the beauty and/or fashion products you need, from the luxurious fashion couture till a high-street one.

The first group (Bethany Putri, Arnold, and me) that I choosed to join with was started the competition in 10 o'clock in the morning, I always prefer to work in morning rather than at any other times, but the traffic killed my time that I just came to the place when there was only a hour left, fyuh. And this is how I style for Smokey Rock, I mostly choosed Zadig & Voltaire from top, shirt, long dress, clucth and accessories, also white blazer from Maje and a pair of leather boots to make it complete.

The 2nd day of the event was held in the evening, and we were required to give  a 4 minute presentation about the concept of the style we created. I personally feel nervous and confuse at the same time, because I have to compete all the famous and great fashion blogger, furthermore because this competition was judged by NYLON's fashion and beauty editor, Anindya Devy, Mrs. Sarah Sugandy from Galeries Lafayette, and the editor in chief of NYLON Magz Indonesia was also here! Just like 'wow' but yet exciting! I hoped I can give my best presentation as well.

Here is one of my favorite idol, Kak Genu when he was doing his presentation, he is amazing!
Judging team : Sarah Sugandy & Anindya Devy
After the presentation session was over, we were pleased to relax our selfs, to taste some delicious foods and drinks and also took a lot of photos, yes we just had a great time there :). 

The BIG thing happened when the time for winner announcement came! I just still can't believe that the judging team took me as the 2nd winner of the competition! GOD, it was really a big surprise and a big present also for me! I just can't thank enough for everything, just thank you and thank you so much for NYLON and Galeries Lafayette! <3 <3. Another 2nd winner is Tara Amelz and the 1st winner is June Paski :D!
But for me, all of the styles are super stylish and it would be very hard for the judges to decide, because all the fashion bloggers were very talented, and that's why I just still can't believe that I won hehe. Just click here to see the detail news of the event. 

with Kak Elco :D
with Tara and June
my addiction to June's platform!
Olivia and kak Genu
with kak Ario! :D
Arnold, Mitha, and Chaterine 
with Lulut :)
 And here they are all the bloggers along with the Editor in Chief of NYLON Indonesia, Mrs. Ein Halid!

After all, I'd like to say thank you once again, and I promise my self to study more and more to be better than before, thank you so much for the opportunity and thanks God for blessing me as always :)

Have a nice day
Monicha Nelis 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Comparing and Responding to the Frequent Relation of an Unitary Term of Representation and Literature

Representation and literature have never been separated into parts and this tradition might have caused the most frequent topic of problem which still remains unbreakable.  If we talk about the role, representation itself owns a very important role to literature. As it is clear enough till this day that the question about their relationship has never systematically been ended. Representation, as an aspect of language, as the most essential role of understanding literature; may seem too far to be defined to its latest meaning. Indeed, it might because of representation hold a very great value of life, like as we formally know that literature had been simply bonded with life since a very classic era of Plato and Aristotle.
As the person who lives under the laws we have commonly known about our country’s governmental system, we found that we have been represented  by people who we formally believe they have the ability of representing our self. Then, why we have to be represented? Why we cannot just present our self? Let me  give an invitation for an example in literature. Gilbert and Gubar’s The Madwoman in the Attic constructs the idea of women’s incapability to present their selves to society. Women lost their power of defining their selves as a subject of authority, in this case when she turned to be a writer or a poet.  “Thus the "anxiety of influence" that a male poet experiences is. felt by a female poet as an  even  more primary "anxiety of authorship"-a radical fear that she cannot create, that because she can never become a "precursor" the act of writing will isolate or destroy. “ Literature in a history of western was never authorized to a ‘second sex’ –  by what Mitchell calls "the inferiorized and 'alternative' (second sex) psychology of women under patriarchy.", and the literature itself was a very male-dominated. It means, to gain the authority, women have to find a way to establish their ‘own power’ over the men. The condition of woman seeking an excessive ability in a particular form to gain a power which exist beyond herself is, I think, a condition of seeking a representative for her presentation. The same like what we do now, letting someone to be the representative of our self in the government’s seats, because that someone has a greater value and a greater strength than ours in controlling the governmental system. The tendency of letting another person represent ourselves, in fact, we admit that person owns more ability to be presence than the amount of ability we have.               
A representation that we have known only as a word implicitly occurs to the surface as not only just as a word. Refers to its lexical meaning as the ‘process’, representation itself is supposed to have its own regulations. An understanding of what Mitchell said in his “Representation” that there is a part of society which constitutes representation using the ‘invisible rules’, “The formula “let this stand for that to them” is regularly subjected to restrictions on subject matter (“let this stand for anything but that”) or on the audience/spectator (“let this stand for that, but not to them”).” (pg. 15). In a very general way, we might say that representation occurs because of the social agreement which do exist.  An ‘agreement’ which exist without any kind of action for questioning about its origin, an aesthetic representation which have lived among the society that somehow we have accepted and agreed to this way. However, no matter how strong the representation hold an aesthetic value in its own, there will never be such thing occurs with the way it is only by itself. There must be always a reason that cause representation to be established. In Plato’s “Ion” we see that the knowledge for a rhapsode comes from the inspiration about something which is inspired him. Similarly, a written text was made because of the author has been given the power of God so he could write words; but that is how we can sum up to one valid statement that even for a particular thing which sounds very spiritual and arbiter, there will always be something that cause something to be true. An agreement of representation also, has been designed by a particular power and authority which consist of particular persons; If we relate it now with what had been said in Mitchell’s Representation “It should be clear that representation, even purely “aesthetic” representation of fictional persons and events, can never be completely divorced from political and ideological questions;” (pg. 15).       
            And, after all, we may back to the start with a question, if Plato and Aristotle regarded literature as the representation of life, how can the whole ‘life’ is simply represented to thing called literature? Let me go further for a moment to Edward Said’s “Jane Austen and Empire”, here Said described how the signs and symbols in Austen’s Mansfield Park (1814) constitutes the presentation of an empire. Through Mansfield Park, the signs and the symbols show the ‘concept’ of empire for Austen in her era, known by what Said says “Austen reveals herself to be assuming the importance of an empire to the situation at home.”  ‘The situation at home’ which represents ‘the importance of an empire’; must be consisted of many representational signs. ‘The situation’ itself is likely ‘a body’ of the signs, just the same like Mitchell’s ‘codes’- “a body of rules for combining and deciphering representational signs”. The ‘codes’ is, based on Mitchell, the same with Aristotle’s three ways to differ the elements of representation: object, manner, and means. As for Mitchell “what I am calling ‘codes’ here are basically the same thing as Aristotle’s ‘means’”. Aristotle defined “Means” as the material which is used in representation. Then let me back again with the problem of how representing life through literature, regarding to the theory above (Mitchell and Aristotle), then we should consider ‘life’ as an ‘object’ of representation which contributes ‘codes’ to show its ‘concept’ that will be represented through literature. Then to sum up from the examples above, representation always took something or someone’s unrealistic form. Furthermore, the understanding of what is quoted from John Locke may bring us to one step closer to the definition of representational object , especially in literature; “word is not a thing, it is the idea of a man.”  In other words, it is not a real thing which is represented in literature but only its ‘concept’. That is why, even still questionable, Plato and Aristotle could put literature as the representative of life, similar with Jane Austen ‘s Mansfield Park and its concept of the empire.                

Monicha Nelis

Friday, August 9, 2013

Glorious Day!

Allahu Akbar
Ah finally, today is the 2nd day of Eid and it means that we just have reached our glorious day start from yesterday on 8th August 2013. I'm so happy for all the blessings which come around. Thank God for all the gifts and lessons that You always give to us. Eid is just such a very very beautiful day, there should be no one who still keep the sadness inside. People should be very happy and be thankful. A very beautiful day when you start your day with go out side and do Eid pray with thousand of people (even I can't count) together. It is just like a phenomenon when there are days that you can eat so many delicious food and drink as much as you want, you can meet all of your family members wearing nice clothes without exception, you can talk. laugh. take pictures, and the most important is, these are your chances to ask for an apologize to people you know, you can forgive and be forgiven too. What a very holy day :)

And because I know that I have to ask something same too, I'd like to give you a wishing card to celebrate our Eid Mubarak. This I made by myself and I shall tell that it comes from my deepest heart :) 

I wish you a blessed Eid!

So, be a better person after went through the Ramadhan is what we actually wish for, and I hope it won't be just a formal statement instead. I'm deeply hoping that we can meet again in next Ramadhan. After all the things I'd like to say sorry for all my mistakes, and may God will always with us, have a lovely day!

Thank you,
Monicha Nelis 

Friday, August 2, 2013

This entry was published due to the academical purposes 

Popular Philosophies around the 19th Century in American Literature

Transcendent, "that, which goes beyond" (transcends) any possible knowledge of a human being. Emerson defines in his essay “The Transcendentalist”, ” The extraordinary profoundness and precision of that man’s thinking have given vogue to his nomenclature, in Europe and American to that extent, that whatever belongs to the class of intuitive thought, is popularly called at the present day Transcendental.” Emerson gives a credit in his essay to a philosophy Immanuel Kant for defining the transcendentalism as the power of our mind which constitutes objects for us to experience the objects in a first place. This philosophy says that there is nothing which just merely happened.  All things were actually happened because our mind constitutes things to be happened. Refers to what Kant says, that is the power of “intuitions of mind”  that human knows something intuitively so that everything which have not been happened yet does not mean they are just totally unknown at all. Those are what Emerson takes as the most American transcendentalist champion in the 19th century, both in his essays “The Transcendentalist” and “Nature”, he speaks his way of thinking about the transcendentalism.  Transcendentalist for Emerson is the optimistic  and independence one, because the transcendentalist need to build and independent though to constitute things to be happened. They are also the optimistic because they believe that they will find everything they are seeking for. Their mind of intuition hold a very great power of controlling their self and their surroundings which send a suggestion to those things to make reality of something they think is needed to be true.  As Emerson says in his “Nature” (his though as a transcendentalist), “Undoubtedly we have no questions to ask which are unanswerable. We must trust the perfection of the creation so far as to believe that whatever curiosity the order of things has awakened in our minds, the order of things can satisfy. Every man’s condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put. He acts as life, before he apprehends it as truth. In like manner, nature is already, in its forms and tendencies, describing its own design. “ The transcendentalist is able to see symbols in nature as their power of intuition and translate it through the mind to get a picture of a fact they can read.
These power of intuition for Emerson has influenced the part of history of America,  “yet the tendency to respect the intuitions, and to give them, at least in our creed, all authority over our experience, has deeply colored the conversation and poetry of the present day; and the history of genius and of religion in these times, though impure, and as yet not incarnated in any powerful individual, will be the history of this tendency.” It may reflect that Emerson states the intuition of mind which comes from the past is the mind that constitutes the present condition of America. 
Another transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau, with his Resistance to Civil Governments or also known as Civil disobedience, spread the anarchism through the essay. Anarchism itself means there is no rule, no structure of a government, and particularly there is no law behind it. Thoreau states that law is just a barrier for a man, that man will never be free because they can do what they think right or wrong. If a man supposed to obey the rule of his government in all the way they live there will be no higher price for every human.  He adds, “Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.” Thoreau opposes the governmental part which is the law, because he thinks that government is better to not govern at all to erase the injustice. He says that the government is not only a little corrupt but instead of the agent of the corruption. Because of this, it is "not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize." The transcendentalism of Thoreau and other transcendentalists (Emerson, Whitman) have influenced the current literature works of America. There is no specific explanation about the transcendentalism. It is unlimited to the literature or any other things. Transcendentalists often rebel and think with a very different way which makes new ways of writing. In “The United States of Poetry” we can see the strong figure and character of every poets. They do poetry just like an expression about what they think they want to say. Many of them are the protest about the injustice in America; here is where transcendentalism reflected, as the strong, rebel, independence, the profile of an American.
Whitman and Dickinson’s poems are pretty different with each other. Whitman’s a long, and rambling while Dickinson’s short and solid give a very deep different meaning to the readers though both of theirs just speak about the same things like death, life, nature, and God.  The way it was told differently reflects their own philosophy. Whitman as the transcendentalist, shows his mind power over his poet “Song of Myself”. It feels stronger, lighter, and bolder. The transcendentalism clearly stated through lines of Whitman’s:
 “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
The first line strongly shows the way he thinks as the transcendentalist. His mind control his self and the nature around him. It is powerful and independence. Whitman’s poet is far away optimistically seen than what Dickinson has. Dickinson’s lines feel darker and more abstract. The contrast between them show the world of Whitman and Dickinson was pretty different. Dickinson’s seems to welcome death, and shows particularly the figure of woman based on her.  Her “Because I could not stop for death” reveals a strong emotion which obviously dark and her interest of the issue of immortality:
“Because I could not stop for Death-
He kindly stopped for me-
The Carriage held but just Ourselves-
And Immortality.”
The metaphors and personifications are both used in both of their poems. What makes them so different is, Whitman use his works as the celebration of American life while Dickinson use hers as the place for dealing with death and dying expression.
The past conditions of an author give a very great impact to his works, example is The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. The life background of Williams, his dark experience in the past reflected in his work of drama. In The Glass Menagerie, there is a father who abandoned his family for such a long time that cause the family feels so much dissatisfaction about life. The absence figure of the father in this story is the reflection of a reality of author’s past time. William’s father was the abusive one who spent most of his time away from home.  In his child time William suffered from the illness of diphtheria that cause her father hate his physical condition. That is why William’s The Glass Menagerie often called as his “Memory Play” because it identifies many signs of dysfunctional family as there is a lost figure of father, the unfair and unhappy life of a dysfunctional family. The past of Williams effects his works most of the time. It is a place for him to express an emotional feeling about his tortured life.
The absence figure of father in The Glass Menagerie cause the conflicts over family’s life. The absence of a father is used as a symbol of an “escaping”. It makes the son in a family (Tom Wingfield) want to escape from home in night time spending his hours in movie because his desperation of hating his lost fathers. He said that he is a “bastard son of a bastard”. Mr. Wingfield play a very important role in the story because he is used as a symbol that haunts the family every time. The pictures of him which are hung on every place in the house show that point. Amanda (the wife) often and always remember his husband that never comes back and it gives negative effect to the family, because the reminding memory of  a figure of father will build the desperation more and more. It shows how crucial the father figure is in the family even when he is gone and not physically presented in story.
Extra Credit:
We find these words similarly in every title of autobiographical writings from Equiano, Rowlandson, Douglass, Apess, and Jacobs,  the three words are “Written by himself”. Those words are used to declare that Americans who are not European has the power to write something and speak up through their own voices.

“ I have said that the soul is not more than the body, | And I have said that the body is not more than the soul, | And nothing, not God, is greater to one than ones self is”, comes from William Whitman’s poem, Song of Myself. It is similar with Emerson’s philosophy of self through his essay Self-Resistance, the point is mind is the greatest thing, even Emerson says that a men who believes his own thought is a genius one, "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius."

I was asked to fulfill the requirements to write an essay and answer some questions due to final exam of my intersession study. Feel free to give me your responses, thank you! :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kedai Cafe

This is another recomendation for you who lives in Jakarta, loves the vintage things and have no where to go, do your walks to Kedai Cafe, Kemang. You'll love the foods, the atmosphere and the song lists they play there. Unfortunately I didn't took any good picture of foods we ordered, but you'll have no doubt about the taste, they were good at all.